Taking Care of Clear Aligners
Congratulations! You are now well on your way to having a beautiful, straight smile you have always wanted.
Please follow the instructions below during your treatment.
Your First Day
The first goal that we set for you is to get used to wearing your aligners. Some people prefer to begin wearing their aligners full time immediately and others like to begin more slowly. There is no right way. However, the goal is for you to be wearing your aligners full time (except while eating and brushing) after the first week. This is approximately 22 hours per day.
General Soreness and Speech
Most people experience some soreness for a day or two after starting each new stage. This is normal.
It is a sign that the aligners are working and moving your teeth to their final destination. On rare
occasions, aligners may temporarily affect your speech slightly. However, as your tongue gets used to
having the aligners in the mouth, any minor disturbance in normal speech caused by the aligners will disappear within the first week. Most people have no problems with their speech at all.
Eating and Potential Harm to Your Aligners
There are no restrictions on what you may eat. However, we recommend that your aligners be removed while eating and placed into the carry case that was provided to you. Most aligners are lost while eating in restaurants. Lost and broken appliances cause delays in treatment, extra office visits, and additional expenses. Except for water, we recommend that you do not drink while wearing aligners to avoid the formation of caries or stains, and warping of the aligners with extremely hot drinks.
Aligner Insertion
1. Make sure you have the correct aligner— upper for top teeth and lower for bottom teeth.
2. To help you avoid confusion each aligner is engraved with your unique case number, U for upper and ―L for lower, followed by the stage number.
3. You may insert either the upper or lower aligner first. When inserting each aligner, gently push the aligners over the front teeth. Then, apply equal pressure, using your finger tips, to your left and right molars (back teeth) until the aligner snaps into place. DO NOT BITE your aligners into position. This will damage them.
4. Minor discrepancies between the new aligner and the current tooth position are normal since the teeth need time to conform to the new aligner position. However, if there is a problem with fit, do not proceed to the next aligner stage until you are seen in the office.
Aligner Removal
1. Using aligner removal tools or your fingers, start on one side at the molars (back teeth) and slowly work your way around to the other side.
2. To help prevent damage, avoid unnecessary removal.
3. DO NOT use any sharp object to remove your aligners.
4. Immediately rinse the aligners with water, shake off excess water, and store your aligners in the aligner box.
5. As you proceed to each new aligners, keep the last aligners in their corresponding zip-lock packet.
6. If you want more aligner removal tools, you can either ask at the next appointment or place an online order at our shopping cart.
Daily Care and Maintenance of Aligners
1. Clean your aligners prior to each insertion. Use a soft tooth brush with toothpaste and water.
2. Rinse each aligner thoroughly with water after each cleaning.
3. DO NOT use denture cleaners to clean aligners or soak them in mouthwash. These products
can damage the surface of the aligner, causing it to become dull and more visible.
Your aligners should have no visible space seen between the edge of the teeth, and the aligner itself when you are ready to change. The aligners should always fit tight over the teeth so no space is visible at the edge of the teeth. If a gap exists, aligner chewies should be used faithfully until the aligner fits properly.
To use the chewie, bite down and hold in the area where the aligner needs to fit better for 5 seconds, then release. Repeat this process for 10 minutes at a time, up to three times per day, until the gap is reduced.
**If you have a history of TMJ, do not use the chewies, but instead use steady figure pressure to push the aligner in place instead, always making sure not to put pressure on you lower jaw if the problem is on the lower teeth.**
Some Useful Patient Education Videos
Important Points to Remember
- Aligners should be worn 22 hours per day. They should only be removed for eating and brushing.
- Massage your attachments from above and below when seating your aligners.
- Exercise with your aligner "chewies" for at least 20 minutes per day or as directed by our office. This will ensure that your teeth respond optimally for the best result possible.
- Do not eat with your aligners in your mouth. After eating or drinking anything but water, brush, floss, and insert your aligners as soon as possible.
- Wearing aligners that are not clean or wearing aligners on teeth that are not clean will cause cavities and gum disease.
- When not wearing your aligners, always store them in the storage case. Do not place your aligners in your pocket or napkins as this will lead to accidental damage or discarding of the aligners.
- Keep your aligners away from pets. Dogs and cats love to chew on used aligners.
- Tooth colored cement bumps called “Attachments” may be placed on your teeth to help with tooth movement. If one of the bonded attachments falls off, it is not necessary to return to the office to have it replaced. Simply call us before your next scheduled visit and we will replace it at that time.
- When inserting aligners begin with your front teeth, when removing aligners begin with your back teeth.
- If you misplace a set of aligners, wear the previous set or the next set in the series. Choose the set that fits most comfortably. Notify the office as soon as possible so we can determine the best way to proceed.
- Please bring previously worn aligners to your appointment to backtrack if necessary.
- Please come to our office with your aligners in your mouth.
- Call the office if you can't wear your aligners or they are not fitting (and go back to the last fitting one).
- Brush the inside of the aligners carefully after every meal. Aligners should be “crystal clear” at all times. If aligners are cloudy, this is an indication of plaque accumulation, which can be extremely damaging to the teeth, leading to scarring/decalcification and cavities of your teeth.
- The best time to change aligners is at night before you go to bed - this minimizes any initial feelings of tightness or discomfort.
- If you break or lose an aligner: Move onto the next numbered aligner and stay in this aligner for longer. If the next aligner does not fit, go back to the previous aligner and contact us immediately. If for whatever reason you do not have your previous aligner, please contact us immediately.
Invisalign Refinement Aligners
If you have just had a scan for a new set of aligners, this is completely normal and we do this for every singly patient in aligner therapy. In fact, we do this a few times throughout to get new aligners that fit perfectly. While you wait for your new aligners, please review and follow the instructions below:
- Wear your current set of aligners every night (minimum 10-12 hours/day) and do not change these aligners.
- If your aligners feel tight then increase wear to full time.
- Continue to be diligent with the cleaning of your teeth and aligners as you will be wearing this current set for a longer duration than normal.
- Please follow the instructions given by the orthodontist regarding elastic wear.
- This period of 12 hours/day is just temporary. Once your new aligners arrive you will resume full time wear.
If you have been advised to wear elastics and you want to learn more about elastics, please click on the link below.
If you have any more questions, please call our office at 705-671-6261.
If you want any orthodontic supplies, please place an order on our online store.